Once you're happy with your selections, toggle Storage Sense on.Choose your preferences (set when you would like Storage Sense to run, what to delete, and how long).If you often need to clean up your computer for temporary files and like the sound of automating the process, we recommend using Storage Sense to automatically and periodically clean up your files. How to configure Storage Sense to run automatically Click "Clean Now" to permanently delete the files from your computer.Delete files in my Downloads folder which you don't use (choose to delete files which haven't been opened for 1 day, 14 days, 30 days, 60 days, or never).Delete files from your Recycle Bin (choose to delete files which have been in Recycle Bin for over 1 day, 14 days, 30 days, 60 days or never).Delete temporary files that your apps aren't using (enabled by default).Under "Storage Sense", click "Configure Storage Sense or run it now".

Quick jump straight to the options for cleaning up storage: In this article, we'll go through the top 11 ways to find what files or apps are taking up storage, and how to free up space by deleting unnecessary and duplicate files, as well as uninstalling those apps you are no longer using. If you haven't got space on your PC for your files or that new app or game, or the clutter on your hard drive is causing performance issues, you're not alone. Last Updated : 7th February 2023 | Author: Wide Angle Software Dev Team How to clean up your Windows computer hard drive