Upon accepting the Three Fingers' flame, return to Hyetta and talk to her once more. Hyetta can be finally found at Frenzied Flame Proscription, underneath Leyndell, Royal Capital.Once given to her, she will thank you and leave. She will ask you for a Fingerprint Grape, which is found as a drop from Festering Fingerprint Vyke near the Church of Inhibition. Hyetta then moves to Bellum Church in Liurnia of the Lakes.Exhausting her dialogue here is mandatory, as she will not change locations otherwise. After reloading the area, she will have more dialogue. Choose to tell her what they are (the quest cannot progress until you tell her). She will ask for another Shabriri Grape, and will ask what they really are. Hyetta will now be north of the Gate Town Bridge, Liurnia of the Lakes.(NOTE: If she does not appear here, stop by Irina's dead body first. She asks for another Shabriri Grape, but does not offer a reward at this time. Hyetta can next be found a short distance west of the Purified Ruins in Liurnia (outside of the west ruined building, looking out over the lake).She will ask for one, and if you choose to give her one, she will reward you with the As You Wish gesture. After talking with Irina in Weeping Peninsula, Hyetta appears next to the Lake-Facing Cliffs site of grace in Liurnia. Hyetta says she roams the Lands Between in search of the distant light, drawn to her destiny by a guiding shine she feels in the back of her eyes when eating Shabriri Grapes.Hyetta Questline: How to complete Hyetta's Quest If defeated, drops: three Frenzyflame Stone (at location #3).This NPC moves as you progress her questline.

Found to the north of the the Gate Town Bridge site of grace, in Liurnia.Found on the western side of the Purified Ruins, also in Liurnia of the Lakes.Found near the Lake-Facing Cliffs site of grace, in Liurnia of the Lakes. (Requires receiving Irina's Letter from Irina in the Weeping Peninsula.).Hyetta can be found in various locations as you progress her questline: Hello? Is someone there? My name is Hyetta, and I'm journeying in search of the distant light. She seeks to become a Finger Maiden upon reaching this “distant light.” Hyetta is mysterious blind woman who roams the Lands Between, following the guidance of the distant light within upon eating Shabriri Grapes. Lightseeker Hyetta is an NPC in Elden Ring. Liurnia of the Lakes Subterranean Shunning-Grounds